PSM Logo  Graph Matching - Teacher Note
We would like all groups of students who try the Graph Matching exercise to be successful and learn something in the process. To that end, we offer something to help the students.

At the park, we will have a "HELP" wall with several examples including some narration that students can turn to for hints and tips. Note that if we were to include 8 graphs, there are still 18 rides that we could use for our examples so there aren't likely to be too many freebies. If students aren't successful with their first try at the matching, they will be directed to the HELP wall and encouraged to develop good approach skills.

In one case, we might have two rides that are very much alike in their graphs. Students will need to think about the rides themselves and what the subtle differences are that make one correct and the other wrong. The best example would be to compare Drop Tower and Whitewater Falls. Both feature simple lifts then downward plunges. But if students look at the rides, they will notice differences that enable them to choose one versus the other.

The following is an example of a possible graph and an answer sheet that calls for a simple match without any calculations:
Sample Graph   Sample Answer Sheet
Sample Graph
Graph H
____ A

____ B

____ C

____ D

____ E

____ F

____ G

_14_ H

  1. Berserker
  2. Celebration Swings
  3. Centrifuge
  4. Carousel Columbia
  5. Delirium
  6. Demon
  7. Drop Tower
  8. Firefall
  9. Flight Deck
  10. Grizzly
  11. HMB Endeavor
  12. Logger's Run
  13. Psycho Mouse
  14. Orbit
  15. Tiki Twirl
  16. Patriot
  17. Whitewater Falls
Sample graph (left) and sample answer sheet (right)


Updated 3/12/2019