Think Like A Scientist


Ask A Question

Where on a rollercoaster does the car go the fastest?


Make A Hypothesis

I think a roller coaster car travels the fastest going down a big hill because it has time to build up speed.



Plan and Do A Test

I will find out the length of the biggest hill and smallest hill on a rollercoaster. (Excellent students may try two roller coasters, or more!) Then I will time how long it takes a car to travel from the top of the hill to the bottom. I will write down my information in a data table. I will need a stopwatch, pencil and paper. I will need to find a place to stand where I can see the top and bottom of the rollercoaster hill I am measuring. I might want a partner to help me take my measurements. Then I can calculate the different hill speeds and compare them.



Record and Analyze

Roller Coaster

Length of Hill
Time to Travel Downhill
Speed (length/time)


Draw Conclusions

I found out ____

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Updated 2/05/2012