Teacher information

1.The programs necessary to run this laboratory can be downloaded from the www.vernier.com under free software for CBL. You will need a TI graphic link to download.

2. The force probes should be calibrated after every run, since they have a tendency to drift.

3. This laboratory exercise can be completed as a discovery lesson before the actual introduction of buoyancy and Archimedes Principle.

4. Students have to be reminded that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

5. Some ideas that may make this exercise even more interesting would be to substitute another liquid insead of water, or hollow and solid spheres.

6. Possible project would be to construct floating objects made of various heavier than water materials

Some interesting related World Wide Web sites relating to Archimedes http://malvm1.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/archi.htm

Another interesting site dealing with Archimedes and Scuba diving http://aquaholic.com/gasses/laws.htm

Buoyancy can also refer to things in air, for example http://fermi.bgsu.edu/~stoner/p201/fluid/sld006.htm

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