Astronomy Project Rubric
The descriptors below will be used in assessing the final presentations for the Astronomy Project. A score sheet that follows the same layout as the descriptors will be generated and will be used when assessing the actual presentations.
Required Element
Visual Quality
Overall Effect



A multimedia product presented key information very effectively

Quality of images, titles and information was excellent

Highly effective flow from beginning to middle to end

Science was accurate and complete; communication was very effective

Top notch, high quality presentation that was very pleasant to watch and very informative



Included a multimedia product that presented key information

Images were clear; titles and information could be read and followed

Clear beginning, middle and end to the presentation

Science was accurate; communication was effective

Good presentation, good information



Included a multimedia product, but didn't contribute to presentation

Images were generally clear; but titles and information were difficult to read and follow

Unclear beginning, middle and/or end

One of these was weak

Adequate presentation, but not inspiring


No multimedia product (0 pts)

Images unclear and the information was very difficult to read and follow

Flow of presentation was very unclear

Both of these were poor

Presentation was weak, information was incomplete or incoherent


Posted 5/18/02