Physics of Music
In this project, you and your partner will develop a multimedia presentation documenting the science of a musical instrument, or some other aspect of that human enterprise we call music. For each project, prior permission must be obtained* and any major deviations from your plans must be approved in advance.

Potential Topics:

Some Instrument Choices:

Choices of Medium:

Real data should be collected whenever possible, and included in graphical form as part of your project. Use of graphical analysis tools is encouraged (no, demanded). CBL or MBL technologies should be a part of your final project.

Research that is conducted can and should include online as well as straight text resources. A minimum of six (6) annotated sources should be included in your written bibliography.

If the final project is in digital form, it would be best if it can be displayed on either Macintosh or Windows platforms.

Due Dates:

Method of Presentation:

* By April 17, you will submit a proposal that will include the following items before embarking on your research:

Upon approval of your proposal, you can begin your research.